Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"? in /home1/rafa1661/dba.poa.br/includes/classes/ia.core.mysqli.php on line 828

Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"? in /home1/rafa1661/dba.poa.br/includes/classes/ia.core.smarty.php on line 747

Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"? in /home1/rafa1661/dba.poa.br/includes/classes/ia.core.smarty.php on line 753


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captchaPlease input letters you see on the image.
Click on image to redraw.

Access Type: front
Page [17]
Module: /home1/rafa1661/dba.poa.br/modules/contact_us/index.php
Language: pt
Identity: NULL

URL Params Empty array
Blocks List [1]
Installed Packages Empty array
Configuration Params [158]
Constants List [26]
Initialized Classes List [5]

$_POST Empty array
$_FILES Empty array
$_GET Empty array

PHP version: 8.0.30
$_SERVER [65]
$_COOKIE Empty array
Info [contact_us]
Hooks loaded, but weren't executed [2]

Hooks List

(1) phpSmartyAfterFuncInit [1]
(2) phpCoreBeforePageDisplay [1]
(2) smartyFrontAfterHeadSection [1]
(1) smartyFrontFinalize [1]
Hooks [8/25]
1.0.17 ms
SET NAMES 'utf8mb4'
2.0.12 ms
SET sql_mode = ''
3.1.13 ms
SELECT `code`, `id`, `title`, `locale`, `date_format`, `time_format`, `direction ...
4.1.39 ms
SELECT `name` `key`, `value`, `type`, `options` FROM `sbr421_config` WHERE name ...
5.0.81 ms
SET time_zone = '-3:00'
6.12.29 ms
SELECT `key`, `value` FROM `sbr421_language` WHERE `code` = 'pt' AND `category` ...
7.0.73 ms
SELECT `name`, `code`, `type`, `module`, `filename`, `pages` FROM `sbr421_hooks` ...
8.0.54 ms
SELECT cc.name `key`, cc.value, cc.type, c.type config_type, c.options conf ...
9.0.92 ms
SELECT p.`id`, p.`name`, p.`alias`, p.`action`, p.`module`, p.`filename`, p.`par ...
10.0.32 ms
SELECT `name`, `url`, `title` FROM `sbr421_modules` WHERE `type` = 'package' AN ...
11.0.49 ms
SELECT `block_id`, `slider` 
   FROM `sbr421_banners_block_options`
12.0.11 ms
SELECT `block_id`, `amount_displayed` FROM `sbr421_banners_block_options`
13.0.44 ms
SELECT * FROM `sbr421_banners` WHERE `status` = 'active'
14.0.44 ms
SELECT `name`, `alias` 
   FROM `sbr421_pages`
15.0.48 ms
SELECT `name`, `menu`, `movable` 
   FROM `sbr421_positions`
16.0.66 ms
SELECT `object` `name`, `access` FROM `sbr421_objects_pages` WHERE (`object_type ...
17.0.72 ms
SELECT * FROM `sbr421_blocks` WHERE `status` = 'active' AND `module` IN ('', 'k ...
18.1.32 ms
SELECT `object` FROM `sbr421_objects_pages` WHERE `object_type` = 'blocks' && ` ...
19.0.55 ms
   FROM `sbr421_acl_objects`
20.0.47 ms
SELECT * FROM `sbr421_acl_privileges` WHERE (`type` = 'user' AND `type_id` = '0 ...
21.0.34 ms
SELECT `alias`, `custom_url`, `name` FROM `sbr421_pages` WHERE `status` = 'acti ...
22.0.29 ms
SELECT `name`, `parent` 
   FROM `sbr421_pages`
23.0.51 ms
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `sbr421_online` WHERE `session_id` = '5fed87cd3710dcde4a39 ...
24.0.37 ms
INSERT INTO `sbr421_online` SET `status` = 'active', `page` = 'https://dba.poa.b ...
25.0.48 ms
SELECT * FROM `sbr421_currencies` WHERE `default` = 1 LIMIT 0, 1
26.0.35 ms
SELECT `code`, `id`, `title`, `locale`, `date_format`, `time_format`, `direction ...
Sql [Queries: 26]
Real time render: 0.12985
Math time render: 0.12922
Memory usage: 4.00Mb(4 194 304b)
2. class - Loading class iaDb
Rendering time: 7.89 ms (0.00789 s)
Memory usage: 2.00Mb (2 097 152)
3. class - Loading class iaSanitize
Rendering time: 11.22 ms (0.01911 s)
Memory usage: 2.00Mb (2 097 152)
4. class - Loading class iaValidate
Rendering time: 0.95 ms (0.02006 s)
Memory usage: 2.00Mb (2 097 152)
5. class - Loading class iaLanguage
Rendering time: 0.44 ms (0.0205 s)
Memory usage: 2.00Mb (2 097 152)
6. class - Loading class iaUsers
Rendering time: 2.41 ms (0.02291 s)
Memory usage: 2.00Mb (2 097 152)
7. class - Loading class iaView
Rendering time: 5.04 ms (0.02795 s)
Memory usage: 2.00Mb (2 097 152)
8. class - Loading class iaCache
Rendering time: 7.74 ms (0.03569 s)
Memory usage: 2.00Mb (2 097 152)
9. core - Basic Classes Initialized
Rendering time: 1.63 ms (0.03732 s)
Memory usage: 2.00Mb (2 097 152)
11. config - Cached Configuration Loaded
Rendering time: 3.58 ms (0.0409 s)
Memory usage: 2.00Mb (2 097 152)
12. core - Configuration Loaded
Rendering time: 1.07 ms (0.04197 s)
Memory usage: 2.00Mb (2 097 152)
14. core - Hooks Loaded
Rendering time: 16.23 ms (0.0582 s)
Memory usage: 2.00Mb (2 097 152)
15. class - Loading class iaUtil
Rendering time: 2.11 ms (0.06031 s)
Memory usage: 2.00Mb (2 097 152)
16. class - Loading class iaSmarty
Rendering time: 1.83 ms (0.06214 s)
Memory usage: 2.00Mb (2 097 152)
17. main - beforeSmartyFuncInit
Rendering time: 17.82 ms (0.07996 s)
Memory usage: 2.00Mb (2 097 152)
19. class - Loading class iaBanner
Rendering time: 0.23 ms (0.08019 s)
Memory usage: 2.00Mb (2 097 152)
20. main - afterSmartyFuncInit
Rendering time: 1.48 ms (0.08167 s)
Memory usage: 2.00Mb (2 097 152)
21. class - Loading class iaBreadcrumb
Rendering time: 0.11 ms (0.08178 s)
Memory usage: 2.00Mb (2 097 152)
22. class - Loading class iaPage
Rendering time: 0.62 ms (0.0824 s)
Memory usage: 2.00Mb (2 097 152)
23. class - Loading class iaAcl
Rendering time: 4.25 ms (0.08665 s)
Memory usage: 2.00Mb (2 097 152)
24. hook - phpCoreBeforePageDisplay
Rendering time: 5.87 ms (0.09252 s)
Memory usage: 2.00Mb (2 097 152)
25. class - Loading class iaCaptcha
Rendering time: 4.08 ms (0.0966 s)
Memory usage: 2.00Mb (2 097 152)
26. smarty - smartyFrontBeforeHeadSection
Rendering time: 2.76 ms (0.09936 s)
Memory usage: 2.00Mb (2 097 152)
27. smarty - smartyFrontAfterHeadSection
Rendering time: 0.17 ms (0.09953 s)
Memory usage: 2.00Mb (2 097 152)
28. smarty - smartyFrontBeforeBreadcrumb
memory up: 50%
Rendering time: 26.84 ms (0.12637 s)
Memory usage: 4.00Mb (4 194 304)
29. smarty - smartyFrontBeforeNotifications
Rendering time: 1.38 ms (0.12775 s)
Memory usage: 4.00Mb (4 194 304)
30. smarty - smartyFrontBeforeMainContent
Rendering time: 1.19 ms (0.12894 s)
Memory usage: 4.00Mb (4 194 304)
33. smarty - smartyFrontAfterFooterLinks
Rendering time: 0.28 ms (0.12922 s)
Memory usage: 4.00Mb (4 194 304)
Timer [Time: 0.12985] [Mem.: 4.00Mb]
Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null
on line 148 in file includes/classes/ia.core.config.php
Backtrace70138 [3]
Error [1]